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It is recommended to consume the juice together with food, as this allows you to achieve the maximum effect. You can enjoy it continuously. In case of illness, it is recommended to consume several doses of juice. It is good that they are consumed at intervals of 4-6 hours.
Prilagojeni vašemu življenjskemu slogu, na voljo v različnih velikostih:
* report on heavy metals testing
* results of microbiological examination
FDA certificate
KOSHER certificate
HALAL certificate
ORAC certificate
CHEMLAB test report
CHEMLAB test report
SGS – GMP Codex Alimentarius
SGS – HACCP Codex Alimentarius
Multi-year winner of the highest awards at the international agricultural-food fair AGRA
30 ml na dan zagotavlja vnos kar 45 kakovostnih ksantonov (antioksidantov).
V mangostinu se nahajajo ksantoni, polifenoli, kinoni, tanini, polisaharidi, katehini, kalij, kalcij, železo, fosfor, vitamini B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C...
XAN-MAX je primeren za celotno družino.
Antioxidants play an important role in preventing the development of many disease states. They prevent the formation of oxidative stress, which triggers numerous acute and chronic diseases. Antioxidants are responsible for stopping disease processes once they develop, thus preventing or at least slowing them down.
High-quality and diverse antioxidants, known as xanthones, act in numerous complex metabolic processes in the organism at various levels, which is enabled by their abundance and diversity. Their action is protective, and they ensure the ongoing correction of errors in the organism that would otherwise trigger disease states.
Ever since I started approaching my mature years, I have been thinking more and more about my health. I invest a lot in myself. That's why I also started regularly drinking Xan-maX mangosteen juice, which cured me of the constant headaches I had practically since childhood. The juice first impressed me with its excellent taste (I don't know why, but it seems to me that people first associate all healthy and 100% natural nutrients with being surely tasteless), and after the first few weeks of use, also with its impact on my body and well-being. Because I wish only the best for you, I hope you will try it too and thus maintain your health and improve your immune system.
Xan-maX is an indispensable product for me, which I primarily consume preventatively after all workouts, which are physically very demanding. Being aware that such workouts create additional oxidative stress, good regeneration and the necessary intake of antioxidants mean a lot to me. I also consume it with the change of seasons when my immune system is weakened due to numerous trainings, and I do not want to be laid down by many colds and viruses. Xan-maX is truly an excellent source of antioxidants, which physically active people should definitely include in their daily routine.
Our morning always starts with Xan-maX juice. Every day for four months now. I've been quite troubled by health issues in recent weeks, as have my children. My son started coughing a lot, so we doubled the dose of juice and thus strengthened our immune system so that after a few days the situation was completely different. If we can stay this healthy, I'm no longer afraid of any kindergarten, autumn or winter, and all possible colds and viruses.